Fall 2022
I am not teaching this semester, but I am supervising two groups of undergraduate researchers through the Manitoba eXperimental Mathematics Laboratory, which I also organize.
I like using GeoGebra's 3d calculator to make interactive images for my classes. Here are some of my favorites:
For an undergraduate research project, I adapted some tutorials for the (free) Sage mathematical software. They're for a very specific purpose and don't cover everything, but maybe you'll find them helpful for learning! These were written in CoCalc with Sage 9.4. You can either download them to run with an installation of Sage on your own machine or upload them to CoCalc and run them there. Another good resource to run short snippets of sage is SageCell.
Previous Teaching: University of Manitoba
Winter 2022
Math 2720: Multivariable Calculus
Previous Teaching: University of Arkansas
Spring 2021
Two sections of Linear Algebra (remote)
Fall 2020
Two sections of Survey of Calculus (remote)
Spring 2020
Survey of Calculus
Transition to Advanced Mathematics
Fall 2019
Two sections of Differential Equations
Summer 2019
Survey of Calculus
Spring 2019
Two sections of Calculus III
Fall 2018
Calculus III
Differential Equations
Previous Teaching: Washington University in St Louis
TA for Calculus I and II: 2014–2015, Spring 2017.
Foundations of Mathematics: Fall 2016.
Matrix Algebra: Summer 2015.
Differential Equations: Summer 2014